Who voiced gollum in lord of the rings
Who voiced gollum in lord of the rings

who voiced gollum in lord of the rings

Every line feels non-committal and as if it was recorded in a single take. What is clear is that the actor hired to provide the vocal performance is dreadful. Whether this is because the team wanted to veer closer to the Gollum character from the books rather than the movies, or because they simply could not afford Andy Serkis is unclear. Speaking of the game’s lackluster presentation, Andy Serkis does not provide the voice of Gollum this time around. The presentation in cutscenes isn’t much better either, even the way that the titles have been edited during the game’s opening feels extremely amateur. The textures are murky and pixelated, the character models look as though they were created using decades-old software, the environmental modelling is just as crudely designed and the primitive lighting and rudimentary particle effects are enough to make even the most forgiving gamer scoff. Well, that crown of turds has just been taken by The Lord of the Rings: Gollum.Īlso read: Redfall Review – A Toothless Nail In The Coffin (PC) In my review for Winter Games 2023, I wrote about how that was one of the worst looking games that I had ever played on PS5 and how it may be one of the ugliest games ever released. Sadly, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum did not allow me to do that and thus I am forced to review only the small portion of the game that I was able to play.Īs much a game’s visuals don’t matter all that much to me as long as the overall experience is fun, it is hard to look past just how exceedingly fugly The Lord of the Rings: Gollum is. This is a real shame, as I normally like to at least roll credits on a game’s story before delving into a review. Due to the atrocious technical state that this thing is in at the time of writing, I barely made it to the end of the first chapter of this game. While still on the subject of full disclosure, I should probably make it known that I did not finish this game.

Who voiced gollum in lord of the rings